Here's our video gallery.
55 Results
26 November 2017
Wanna get rid of dark under eye circles fast? Watch the video for Trisha Kuck's tips on how to hide those panda eyes with SILKYGIRL Quick Fix Care Concealer.
23 November 2017
Sometimes, we need a bit of magic to cushion the flaws on our skin. With SILKYGIRL's Magic BB Cushion, all you need is just a dab & tap and you're ready to face the day with confidence!
16 October 2017
Wanna sport the Korean look but canÕt decide whether to go for the K-Drama chic or K-Pop grunge? Both are equally easy to achieve, actually. Just watch the vid to find out which look works for you.
15 October 2017
Tips on how to balance out uneven eyebrows and perk up tired eyes in just 1 minute!
15 October 2017
Create the illusion of a sharper nose and a slimmer face in 60 seconds.
25 August 2017
Beranikan diri untuk mengekspresikan diri mu melalui seni dan warna dengan SILKYGIRL ColorShine Haircolor!
Dance Duo: Faris Azim & Aisya Marissa
Apparel: NERD UNIT
19 June 2017
Stay bold till the last stroke with SILKYGIRL Perfect Sharp Eyeliner. Comes with a fine tip for smooth, precise and calligraphy-like application.
For optimal control, greater flexibility and absolute versatility; even for pure beginners.
SILKYGIRL, Unleash Your Confidence.
14 December 2016
Get luminous, flawless skin with SILKYGIRL Magic BB White Powder Foundation. Enriched with natural ingredients to moisturize, nourish and soothe skin for a more radiant complexion.
14 December 2016
Dapatkan kulit yang berseri dan sempurna dengan SILKYGIRL Magic BB White Chiffon Powder Foundation. Diperkaya dengan bahan-bahan semula jadi untuk mencerahkan tona kulit, melembap, menyegar dan melembutkan kulit.
15 November 2016
Get even better skin with your favorite BB powder foundation - SILKYGIRL Magic BB All-In-One Powder Foundation. Enriched with natural ingredients.
15 November 2016
Part 2 - Contouring your nose and shading your brows is made easy with Expert Brow & Nose Shadow. Learn more with @Pinkboxcereal :)
15 November 2016
Part 1: Want to learn some cool contouring tricks with Magic BB Stick? @Pinkboxcereal shows you how. Stay tuned for the second part for more shading tips!